I am Chaz Graham

A passionate Full-stack web developer

About ME

I am a former medic for the United States Air Force, I served for six years before separating to further my education with my newly acquired benefits. I went into the nursing profession to further build the medical skills I already possessed. Two semesters into my degree I found I really did not like nursing or practicing medicine as a whole. After searching for careers on the web I found the profession of software engineer. After being told I was tech savvy by my friends and family I decided to change the course of my career. During my time coding I find myself more engaged and have a heightened drive to continue learning. Instead of dreading going to work I wake up with drive to finish my projects and solve the problems that sit before me.

Featured Applications


A ecommerce application that users can add/remove items to their cart. A Stripe checkout session will be utilized and once completed the user will be redirected to the apps homepage.

Technologies Used

React, JavaScript, Apollo, MongoDb, GraphQl, Express, Bcrypt, Stripe

Game Seeker

The application allows users to track games they have played, are playing, and have completed. It also allows the user to make friends and view the same list on their profiles.

Technologies Used

React, JavaScript, Apollo, MongoDb, GraphQl, Express, Bcrypt

The Collective

A social media platform that allows users to log in to an existing account or sign up. Once the user is logged in they will be able to create, update, and delete their own posts.

Technologies Used

JavaScript, Handlebars, Express, Sequelize, MySQL, Node.js

Music Playlist

An application that allows the user to search for songs by their favorite artists. The top five song by the user searched artist will each display as a link to the song for the user to listen to.

Technologies Used

HTML, JavaScript, Bulma CSS

Get in touch

Have any questions? I am always open to talk about my skills, new projects, creative opportunities and how I can help you.