
Chaz Graham

San Antonio, TX 






Full Stack Web Developer Effective at combining creativity and problem solving to develop user-friendly applications that are responsive and compelling. Experience working with APIs, either RESTful or GraphQL-based, using Javascript. Self-starting learner driven by curiosity paired with solid GitHub skills. I have a meticulous approach to my work with an excellent attention to detail. I am willing to travel for new roles. 


Technical Languages/Skills:  HTML/HTML5, JavaScript, React.js, jQuery, Express, Apollo, MongoDB, GraphQl, Bcrypt, WordPress

Soft Skills: Communication, Teamwork, Problem-solving, Flexibility, Adaptability. 

Applications: Full Stack Web Development and WordPress

Relative Experience

Game Seeker | |  

  • The application allows users to track games they have played, are playing, and have completed. It also allows the user to make friends and view the same list on their profiles. 
  • I was fully responsible for all aspects of the application down to styling and database creation as well as API calls from front-end to back-end. Used effective time management skills to meet my deadline. 
  • React, JavaScript, Apollo, MongoDb, GraphQl, Express, Bcrypt 


Foodies | | 

  • An application that allows the user to search for food recipes using the third party spoonacular API. The application will have a short summary as well as steps to complete the recipe. 
  • I was fully responsible for all aspects of the application down to styling, as well as API calls from the third-party API  
  • React, JavaScript, Bootstrap 


The Collective |  |  

  • A social media platform that allows users to log in to an existing account or sign up for one. Once the user is logged in they will be able to view past posts by other users and visit their own profile via the nav bar where they will be able to create, update, and delete their own posts. 
  • front end and backend communication via API calls as well as assist with styling 
  • JavaScript, Handlebars, Express, Sequelize, MySQL, Node.js 


Aerospace Medical Technician / SSgt                                                                                                                                                                   2015-2021 

United States Air Force                                                                                                                                                                                              San Antonio, TX 

Led night shift operations managing 20 thousand appointments with a small team of 20 medical members. I have strong leadership and following qualities to fit the role I am placed in. Quick picking up new skills and applying them into the workplace.   

Key Accomplishments: 

  • Oversaw admin medical training program trained 20 medics on 65 critical items that lowered documentation errors by 30%  
  • Facilitated emergency vehicle rescue, coordinated with 3 agencies secured 70k in assets  


Boot Camp Certificate: University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX  

A 24-week intensive program focused on gaining technical programming skills in HTML5, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap, IndexDB, Node.js, MySQL, MongoDB, Express, Handelbars.js, and ReactJS.  

Basic Medical Technician Corpsman Program: Community College of the Air Force, San Antonio, TX 

A  24-week intensive program focused on gaining technical skills in emergency medicine. 

get in touch

Have any questions? I am always open to talk about my skills, new projects, creative opportunities and how I can help you.